Diary 9
Feb 26 The day of the surgery. I was supprisingly calm. But thirsty. One hour before the nurses came to shave my legs. For some reason, I forgot all about it! So three nurses were shaving my leg, who seemed very happy for some reason. They asked if they can borough shaving cream but I didn`t have any. They did not have it either! So we decided to use soap which ended up making 3 wound. The T shaped shaver that they use may also not be so good, looked old fasioned. After that I had two preoperational injection on my buttock. It was 10:20 by the time all these were finished. As I asked the main Dr when the op is actually going to start, he answered 10 minutes. But.....boy, it was long! Almost an hour! Anyway the time came, I was on a mobile bed. I was half naked with only under pants. When I arrived at the operation room, they took my under ware off and I was all set. The operation room was clean enough as I had thought. They put oxegen saturation monitor (finger clip type) and sphygnomanometer on the right side. They took IV line on the left. And then the nurse was injecting something from the line and I lost my consciousness. Next time I woke up was at my room 11 PM, still very drowsy. I don`t remember what I had talked. I fell asleep again and really up next morning. My leg was very heavy and painful on motion. But...only my left leg.!!
After I had shots to ease the pain, doctors came to explain why they did not do the other leg. The anesthetic doctor told me that from the operation of the first leg they had certain amount of blood loss. So they did not want to create any risk of transfusion by starting the other leg. This sounded feasible to me. And they were also concernrd about the kidney problem...
The leg was wrapped with bandage so I could not take the picture of the wound. But I got the picture of op room which I will post soon.
Now I feel much easier in terms of pain. I hope I will recover rapidly!
Diary 10
March 2 From the evening of post op day 1, my condition was rapidly deteriorating. I had nausea, then vomit till only gastric acid was coming out. I was so uncomfortable that I could not sleep at all, I was with a bucket in one hand so that I could throw up anytime. I also had fever sweating all over, but the pain in the leg was not so significant. The swelling of the leg was so so with little tenderness.
So we figured that this is not due to the infection of the operated leg. That day despite over 20 shots and all kinds of treatment tried, the symptom was same the next day. The major symptom was severe nausea. I was not able to even look at TV or Listen to music that day. Anyway we decided to stop most of the treatment and tried taking small amount of yogurt at my request. And this some how worked and I was rapidly recovering from the severe nausea.
However, it has not totally disappeared. When I smell something oily or even smell meat the nausea comes back again so easily. But I can now manage to do some my own things.
As for the legs the wounds are sprisingly small, and the pain and the swell of the leg is getting better each day. I have not had analgesic shot from yesterday. I and starting on crutchs from today but I cannot bare my weight only on the operated legs simply because it hurts and doctors say no.
I wanted to take pictures of the legs but it is mostly covered with bandage so I haven`t. But it is a swollen leg with 7? small linear wounds. Buy the way,they told me that they have lengthened tibia 2mm during the operation and today they started lengthening by 0.7 mm, without my request, great!
Diary 11
March 3
Today I feel almost normal but still abnormal. As for the leg, the swelling is improving, no fever, and no pain (but not on motion or weight bearing!). I tried crutches in the morning but was far far from bearing weat on the operated leg. The leg is broken at two parts, so unless it is not a cartoon, it would not be that easy. However, since I am operatating the other leg soon, after the operation how am I to move?
It is important because it affects the toilet issue! Now, I urinate on bed in a pispot. This is bearable. But for stool, I go to the toilet with crutchs with the help of nurse. But if I cannot move at all, whats going to happen? I hope I do not end up defecating on the bed!! And please no diapers!!
And it is directly connected with smell issue. I haven`t had bath for 6 days now (this evening I may, with a help?) I stink to hell!! You will know when you remove the blanket in the morning, you could almost see thick smelly gas!
And worse, you can hardly wash hands.Even after you touched the pispod. No sink in the room! (of course, I wipe with wet tissue)
Anyway here are my other concerns, first small apetite. I am now eating banana, orange, apple, kiwi, fruit juice, coke, chips, and cookies in turn. I can not eat meat and stuff. I am so afraid to throw up. Second, hard to consume time, sleep, TV, internet, reading.....little to do without moving from the bed! And the only English program they have here is BCC world, not very entertaining.....2 hours at the maximam and often unbarable content...This is expectedly tough!